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FPS S03E08 - Collins May have spoken too soon

FPS S03E08 - Collins May have spoken too soon

Frank and Collins discuss some of the recent pen releases. Limited Editions from Esterbrook, Sailor, Taccia Montegrappa, and Dupont.

After a month, Collins has some new findings to report on his Ink UV exposure test.

Products discussed in this podcast:

Esterbrook: Estie Candy

Sailor LE: Northern Light

Sailor LE: Black Hole

Taccia - Miyabi Yama Zkura

Montegrappa - The batman Edition

Dupont - Light Saber

birminghampens - Monotonic.... Ink?

Collins' Ink UV test

FPS S03E09 - Colorful Cartridges

FPS S03E09 - Colorful Cartridges

Ink UV exposure tests

Ink UV exposure tests